You're welcome. You weren't being crass. I wrote a story once, about a young woman who needed a kidney transplant and her parents wanted to donate a kidney. Her mother wasn't a good match and the man she believed was her father was actually not her father as her mother had an old time's sake one-night stand with her old boyfriend after the 10-year school reunion and got pregnant. He had been an alpha male, but he willingly donated her a kidney, and the story ended with the man she believed to be her father and her biological father standing side by side and they told her what had happened. She asked if she should call him Dad, and he said, "Look, all I did was get your mother pregnant, and I didn't know. Which was foolish of me. Dad taught you to swim, read your stories and let you twist him around your little finger, and he cut the umbilical cord when you were born. Now, wouldn't you say that that's a tie that binds?"