Yes, mine told me she liked to pick my brains. But, I remember one day (she couldn't speak Japanese but she liked karate) and she asked me what Hajime meant. And I told her that it meant "Begin" and she claimed that the instructor told her it meant "Stop!" And I thought, "Well, you'll look pretty funny in a contest if the instructor says, "Hajime!" and you stand there doing nothing." I told her that "Yame!" meant "Stop!"
I would also say that when it comes to love, some of us can be unconventional but also tender. I mean, conventionally, I would be quite happy sitting beside a girlfriend on the couch watching TV, with her head resting on my shoulder or chest and I've got my arm around her shoulders stroking her hair. When it comes to love-making, we can also be tender (my ex-girlfriend told me that she had been raped and while she initiated sex, I was extremely tender with her because I didn't want to do anything to trigger her. She said she felt let down!). A piece of advice I would give to a neurotypical seeking a relationship with an autistic person is, while we will love you wholly, we might tend to concentrate on a part to be aroused. I am not interested in a woman's breasts, for example, and my ex-girlfriend wanted me to touch hers, and I naively went for the top of her breast looking to caress it with my fingertips, but she wanted me to tweak her nipples. I'm not interested in women's bottoms or legs, either, but a woman who wanted a relationship with me would have to be an alvinophile.