With the second line, I say, there are things you won't have any choice over, but there are things where you have a choice, but the consequences of making the wrong choice can be disastrous. In the US it's different, but I remember my Year Two Teacher telling us, when we were learning about road rules, that she was pulled over by a police officer for not wearing her seatbelt. Her response when asked why, was that she didn't like to. I remember my Year Twelve Science Teacher telling us that in the US, if you're stopped for not wearing a seatbelt, you can argue it's a constitutional right not to. In Australia, if you are caught not wearing a seatbelt, you can get fined, but if you're in an accident, your head could hit the windscreen, or you could get thrown through it, and your chances of surviving aren't too high.
When it comes to some freedoms, particularly religious freedoms, I say, if you don't want to do something because it's against your religious beliefs, that's fine, but if you want to stop somebody else from doing something, then, you lose any respect and support from me. When it comes to abortion, yes, I know that some people experience regret or grief afterwards, but that, in itself, is not a reason to outlaw abortion. I mean, I consider it like this, if you were a ten year old child in New York, on August 6, 1945, and your father was off fighting the war, and you were sitting around the wireless with your mother listening to the news and heard that Hiroshima had been bombed, you might have thought that it was good and hoped that the war would soon be over. And if you had bought the New Yorker, on August 3, 1946, and read John Hersey's story covering interviews with six survivors, you might have changed your mind. It's the same thing. Or, if you'd seen "This Is Your Life," in 1956, and seen the Hiroshima Maidens, you might have been horrified and become vehemently anti-nuclear weapons.
For conservatives to deny abortion rights is disgusting and they should mind there own business. One thing that really gets me fired up is arseholes like Rick Perry or Pat Robertson, who claim that pregnancy from rape is "God's way of comforting women," or that she is carrying "a gift from God." Bloody hell! And Tyla Hulbrecht is just as bad with this, "God's silver lining," crap. If you were travelling in a bus that rolled down a mountain and one of the rescue volunteers turned out to be the love of your life, THAT might be considered a silver lining, but how the hell is expecting a woman to carry a baby she didn't want for nine months fair or just?!
The same as these idiots who fart that marriage is between a man and a woman and they'll get divorced if it's changed to allow same-sex couples to marry!
People should learn that while something might be against their religious beliefs, if it will not hurt anybody, then they should stay out of it!