Peter Wynn
2 min readJun 3, 2024


One of the most idiotic comments I have heard in the past week is a comparison by Trump Junior of his father’s trial with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The assassination of John F. Kennedy was an act of murder; the trial of Trump was for criminal matters in the state of New York.

As much as I despise Trump, I can say this. The jurors in his trial were selected not on the basis of whether or not they like Trump, but to hear the evidence. At the conclusion of the trial, the prosecution and the defense counsel are given the chance to make closing addresses, and unless the judge directed the jury to find him guilty on all charges, or some, at least, the case is not open and shut. If the judge says, “If you are convinced beyond reasonable doubt, then you must return a verdict of guilty,” that is not the same as a judge saying, “I direct you to find the defendant guilty.” The twelve jurors went into the deliberation room and at the conclusion, they returned guilty verdicts.

It is worthy of note that US Law has some similarities to English Law, and the Magna Carta says that everybody, including the monarch, must obey the law, and we must not forget the Watergate Scandal of 1973, and the fact that Nixon was in strife over that and later pardoned, but that was a federal matter. A President is NOT above the law.

Trump is scapegoating the Democrats and the legal system to make himself appear to be the victim. He is not the victim. If the US re-elects him in November, it will be a further regressive step for women’s rights. It is worthy of note that Japanese women gained the right to vote not due to protests, but by a decision made by General Douglas MacArthur during the Occupation period, yet now the US is considering re-electing a man who is on record as talking about seizing women’s genitalia and was instrumental in overturning Roe vs. Wade!

The sooner the US wakes up to the reality of what is happening and that’s it’s not a Democrat conspiracy but a man who was caught out, the safer the world will be.



Peter Wynn

Diagnosed with autism at 35. Explained a lifetime of difference.