When I heard that Trump had lost the presidency and that the Electoral College had said that Biden would be president and then, all Pence could do was certify the election result, my immediate response was relief. I at first was stunned that people would be stupid enough to vote for him. Some may criticise me for saying stupid, but an analysis of his policies should have caused any rational person to think, "What???!!!!"
Another respondent has alluded to Hitler, to which I say, "Yes, that much is true, but Hitler staged a putsch, in 1923, to seize power, not to hold onto it." The Nazi Party held the most seats in the Bundestag, but not enough seats to govern in its own right.
Trump was twice impeached, but what people conveniently ignore is, he wasn't acquitted over the coup because he was innocent, but because not enough Republicans were prepared to cross the floor and vote Guilty.