Peter Wynn
3 min readNov 2, 2021


“Women shouldn’t have to act or behave like men in order to get attention.” These were some words attributed to this ridiculous doctor as inspiration for a book. This is the same person who claims that women are acting more like men and hence are less attractive to men!

I remember Whoopi Goldberg making a statement about women being “Woo Men”, as part of a comedic routine, and Dawn French, in the Vicar of Dibley when someone says that she’s a woman points to her breasts and says, “These make it obvious.”

But let’s talk about respect for women. This same ridiculous doctor talks about working women and women who are stay at home mothers, and here’s where I say that respect needs moderation. I remember a girl I went to school with, whose grandfather questioned why she needed a holiday because women made no contribution to society. He’s wrong, and that is disrespect for women. Equally disrespectful was then Senator Barnaby Joyce making the claim that “The average working mother wouldn’t be happy about paying $100 for a lamb roast.” And particularly insulting was the idiot who was elected in 2013, when, in a dry cleaning shop, was ironing a shirt and said that, “The housewives of Australia needed to understand, as they’re doing the ironing, is that coal is important for cheap energy.” Now, BOTH statements are disrespectful to women!

Firstly, a woman shouldn’t stay home with kids because she HAS to, a woman should stay home and look after her kids because she WANTS to! I have had misogynistic nonsense from a woman close to me, who asked me why I wouldn’t have a male doctor (I’m a sex abuse survivor and being touched by a man is triggering) as female doctors drop out of the workforce to raise kids (Hello, I remember a woman doctor with two kids and she and her husband worked part-time and shared parenting responsibilities) and that men doctors could be doing research (Hello, my neurologist is a female and a professor and there are just as many women doing research as there are men).

A woman who stays home and looks after her kids deserves respect, but so does a woman who works and so does a woman who wants to work!

This ridiculous doctor talked about Australia’s first female Prime Minister being vilified because she was a woman. On that, I can agree, and no more so than by Bill Heffernan, who accused her of being deliberately barren and even more so, by the idiot who was elected leader, in 2013. When Julia Gillard became Prime Minister, that idiot extended his respects to Kevin Rudd. In Australia, you don’t directly elect the Prime Minister, the party that forms government elects a leader and that leader becomes Prime Minister. The party can, at times, elect a different leader.

As for women being more like men, if a woman chooses to pursue a career rather than marriage and motherhood, is that a bad thing? Absolutely not! Not every woman is cut out to be a mother and not every man is cut out to be a father, either! And, let us not forget, there are cases of role reversal, where the father stays home and looks after the kids and the mother goes out to work. And women should band together, BUT, if men support them, well and good, but as allies and amplifiers, not speaking for them! The reason why women act like men is that they want to be heard and they’ve had enough of being ignored!

Just like I, as an autistic, was furious with hanson for her preposterous speech about autistic kids, autistic people want our own voices to be heard! We do not want a neurotypical standing up and mouthing off ill-informed nonsense about what neurotypical people want for autistic people!

And, the memo that the idiot who was elected leader, in 2013, didn’t get was, “Women do not want a man with 1950s ideas about women’s status as Minister for Women!”



Peter Wynn
Peter Wynn

Written by Peter Wynn

Diagnosed with autism at 35. Explained a lifetime of difference.

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