What the...??? Fascism and Nazism are the Far-Right on the political spectrum.
Your comparison with the Republicans and the Democrats ignores something else. I my native Australia, in 1948, when Australia could not get the numbers of British immigrants that it wanted, in part because of so many ships that had been sunk during the war, under Arthur Calwell as Immigration Minister, it went into the Baltic States like Southern Gentlemen and selected potential immigrants in a way that would have made Hitler proud, and it was the Liberal Party, with Harold Holt as Immigration Minister, that allowed the Japanese wives of BCOF ex-servicemen to enter Australia with an exemption from the Dictation Test and yes, the Liberal Party abolished the Dictation Test in 1958, but it was the Labor Party that officially abolished race as a criterion for Immigration. And it was Malcom Fraser, a Liberal, who accepted boat arrivals from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, but it was the little rodent who was his Treasurer who later served four terms as PM who introduced harsh refugee policies, and it was Turnbull's idiotic predecessor, who introduced even harsher ones. Part of the reason why the Liberal Party took the approach that it did during the 1950s and 60s was this. In 1954, the Liberal Government signed Australia up to the Colombo Plan, whereby students from Asian countries could study at Australian universities and return to their home country upon completion. At that time, many academics voted Liberal, but by the 1970s and 80s, they felt that the Liberal Party no longer represented their interests.
Yes, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and yes, the Democrats allowed segregation in the South, and yes, FDR wasn't the great man that he was made out to be (he snubbed Jesse Owens upon his return from the 1936 Olympics with gold medals) but the Republican party under trump is nothing like the party that Lincoln led.
It's easy to say that you wish everyone could get along, but that's a pipedream.