Well, you can tell a lot about a person by the party that they vote for. I'll just give you two examples. Her husband died of a heart attack brought on by kidney disease (he wasn't eligible for a transplant and he refused dialysis) and he was largely a white supremacist, BUT, the kidney specialist he saw at the local hospital was Chinese and he said that he was very impressed with him. An intern saw him first and took his blood pressure, and the Chinese doctor said, "No, that's not how you do it! You take his blood pressure left arm sitting, left arm standing, right arm standing, right arm sitting, add them and divide systolic over diastolic by four and that's the reading!" He was also impressed with the knowledge of the doctor. His wife, however, would have said, "I had an Asian in my country tell a junior white doctor how to do their job!" One day, she had to do something, and an Asian employee of a government told her it was wrong (the Asian employee was RIGHT) and she carried on about it!
I am in support of inclusion, but not the inclusion of racists and trumpists! And, just remember this, the election wasn't stolen from trump, there was no voter fraud, people who were otherwise politically disengaged turned out to vote against him. And people rioted in the Capitol demanding that Pence be hanged!
And I remember seeing a meme where a right-winger said, "I'm a tolerant lefty until you disagree with me, then you're a homophobic, racist, transphobic...." And to that, I say, maybe we say the latter because what the right-winger said actually was homophobic, racist, transphobic or whatever else!