Well, one thing that I say to people is, professionals who know what to look for will tell you that someone who is threatening suicide usually won't do it. People will often say, "Oh, but I was talking to so and so last week, and they seemed fine," and that can mean either they were masking their pain or if you'd known they were in pain and then suddenly they seemed fine, that's when you worry as that's when they've decided what their solution is. A case in point, even though it wasn't real, is Looking For Alibrandi, when John Barton (in the book, not in the movie) had seemed depressed, and then he met Josie and seemed happy and declared he would do whatever he wanted to do and the next day, he was dead.
My cousin's wife had severe post-natal depression and had been in hospital but discharged herself, and he went to the shop to buy some milk, and when he came home, she was dead. People couldn't understand why she did it, but she just wanted the emotional pain to stop.
If a person has been sick, it can be a relief when they die, but it still doesn't always ease the pain. I knew a man whose wife had terminal cancer and she died in September, 2013, and he died on Christmas Eve of that year, but they'd been married for over 60 years.
As an aside, I respect your wishes, but I do care about you.