Well, one thing people need to remember is, never is a long time. I mean, there were men who returned from the Second World War, in the Pacific, who said that they'd never have a Japanese car, but in the 1980s, they were driving one, because the cost of gasoline went up or whatever else.
The same as a woman saying that she'd never have an abortion, it depends upon a number of factors. I remember, when I was in Year Twelve at high school, we had to debate it, and a kid with a religious bent, but he was non-preachy outside church, even said generally, he didn't support abortion, but in the case of a woman who was raped, fair enough, as she'd be having his kid. I've had people say, "Oh, but it's not the child's fault," and I say, "When you get down to the nitty-gritty, to defend the rights of the unborn child is akin to taking someone born profoundly deaf to a U2 concert. Someone who is born deaf doesn't know what it's like to hear. So, an unborn child doesn't know what it's like to live."
But not only that, you don't know how you would be if it was you. I mean, if you faced a situation whereby there was a serious risk to your health or the baby's health, you don't know what you'd do.