Well, hanson is the Queen of Double Standards. John Howard's gun buy-back scheme was a knee-jerk reaction to the Port Arthur Massacre yet her calling for a ban on Muslim immigration or immigration from predominantly Muslim countries isn't, apparently.
And I will never forgive or forget her idiocy after Hannah Clarke was murdered by her estranged husband, along with her kids, in suggesting that he might have been pushed too far. No, Rowan Baxter wasn't "pushed too far" he couldn't have the control that he wanted. Then, when a serious conversation on domestic violence was called for, she made the idiotic statement that we had to stop demonising men. Nobody is demonising men, in fact, what some have been calling for is for men who know of a man who abuses his wife or partner to call him out.
I have a woman close to me (no, she's not a partner, she's my doctor) whose ex-husband seemed to be a reasonable guy, but in reality, behind closed doors (I saw glimpses of this with his daughters) he was a vicious, controlling man.
Yes, Grace Tame is photogenic, but I admire her for her intellect and determination.
I had an argument with someone who was a hanson supporter and another who said they were voting for her as a protest vote, and the former said that there was nothing extremist about her party unless being a proud Australian is extreme now. To which I say, I am not a proud Australian because I acknowledge our history and see that there's not a lot to be proud of, such as genocide of the Aborigines, a racist immigration policy and not counting the Aborigines in the census until 1967. Not to mention a national anthem that is basically forelock tugging to the British and the current government makes hypocrisy of the line, "For those who've come across the seas, We've boundless plains to share." And, the fact that we had a complete idiot for a PM in abbott and nearly had a truly obnoxious individual in dutton in that role. Paul Keating was 100% correct in his assessment of abbott saying that he was "an intellectual nobody." He's not even an intellectual; he's someone who uncritically followed the IPA agenda and devised utter nonsense to attack the Rudd-Gillard Government. A classic case being Marius Kloppers said that the Olympic Dam Project wouldn't be proceeding due to a lack of demand from China, yet he ranted about the carbon tax that wasn't. When challenged on Lateline, he said, "I haven't read that." I don't think he's read much. The only difference between hanson and abbott is that the latter is a Rhodes Scholar and the former left school at fifteen.