We are all hybrids, indeed. We are all humans. And here's the other thing, there are four main blood types, each with negative and positive rhesus factors, but each blood type is the color red. If you sit an Asian person, a Black person and a White person down for a blood test, their blood will bleed red. White people are the only people who can have variation of eye and natural hair color (yes, some Asian people can have brunette or dark brown hair), but brown eyes, hazel eyes, blue eyes or green or grey eyes still see and still have the same structure, only the pupil color varies. We all have eight fingers, two thumbs and ten toes. Our hearts have four chambers. Where is an Asian person's navel? Where is a Black person's navel? Where is a White person's navel? Same place on their body.
With the brother and sister I mentioned, if you knew them (the brother's dead now) you would think, "We have two people. Same parents, raised as brother and sister, but one is a kind, caring person, the other is a cruel, insensitive, shallow person. How did that happen?"