Trump reminds me of a former Premier of Queensland, Australia, called Joh Bjielke-Petersen. Joh was tried for perjury, in 1991, but the jury was unable to reach a verdict in his trial, as it was locked at 10-2 in favour of guilty. Joh later came out and said that the law was an ass and that the law was a super-ass, yet guess who instigated most of the laws he railed against? Joh, himself.
Joh made himself look like an old fool, but he was a sneaky character. Trump says stupid things, but I do not believe that he is experiencing dementia. He is an arrogant, autocratic being who is a serious threat to the US, and to the world, as a whole. His only mental illness would be narcissism. He knows that the election was not stolen, and he knows that the machines were not faulty. He wanted a second term to finish the horror story he started, and to escape legal consequences.
And I know that he was acquitted for one reason. Not enough Republicans could be convinced to switch sides and vote to convict him.