I frequently reference two people from 1989, a girl with whom I went to school whose father had the choice of a Commodore or a Falcon for a company car, and the man diagonally across the road from me. The girl’s father wanted a midnight blue Falcon, but Ford wouldn’t have any for six weeks, so he was given a white one with a blue stripe on it. The man diagonally opposite me wanted a midnight blue Falcon, but faced the same wait, but went and bought a Commodore, but he compromised on the car to get the colour he wanted.
I have seen some Americans saying that they will not vote next year and that they are disappointed in Joe Biden. I am disappointed that Joe Biden has chosen to back Israel, and vehemently disagree with him, however not voting next year because you do not like either of them means that you are selling out your Muslim neighbours, friends, college classmates and others; it means that you are selling out your LGBTIQA neighbours, friends and college classmates; it means you are selling out your neighbours, friends and colleagues and family members who are in mixed-race relationships. Why? If you do not vote, what you will do is give the Republicans more votes, and what will that mean? It will mean that an a-hole like trump or desantis will have more votes and you could see the USA no longer be a democracy!
The right-wing love to talk of Trump Derangement Syndrome (would they have spoken of Hitler Derangement Syndrome 90 years ago?) amongst those of us who despise trump. If trump were to again become president of the USA, the early days of Hitler’s Nazi Regime would be paradise by comparison. When Hitler became Chancellor, he had Hindenburg as President, and he didn’t merge the two offices until after Hindenburg’s death. With the Republicans holding the House of Reps, trump will not have such a check and balance. And trump is talking of immediately enacting revenge against those who he believes wronged him. Will Pence be safe? The US will not be a democracy if trump is elected. There will be a reign of terror not seen since the French Revolution!
God help the USA if trump is elected!