There is a stupid doctor, whose talk about the rise of women is actually thinly disguised misogyny and whose supposed ethnography is thinly disguised privilege.
In 2016, this ridiculous doctor wrote a newspaper column about Hillary Clinton possibly being the first female President of the USA, but then said great though it may be, it was important to maintain the gender roles. So, in other words, a woman can be President of the USA but she needs to be demure.
This doctor also wrote an equally preposterous article suggesting that men and women cannot and should not be platonic friends because women will start to behave more like men and make themselves less attractive to men. No matter how you dress that up, that is misogyny.
This ridiculous doctor also claimed that women shouldn't have to act or behave like men in order to be heard. Well, hello, if he means that a woman should not be able to choose a career over motherhood, why should that be the case? A woman should have the right to choose what she wants to do with her life. He also claimed that women who want to be stay home mothers deserve respect. Well, of course they do, but a woman shouldn't stay home and look after kids because she HAS TO, a woman should stay home and look after her kids because she WANTS TO! So why shouldn't a woman who, a) doesn't want to have kids be forced to, and, b) if the woman wants to work and the father wants to stay home with the kids, should that not be equally respected?
Let's be honest: the talk of retention of gender roles is about retention of male privilege. It's about keeping women down and treating them as second class citizens.
And for all this ridiculous doctor's talk about reverence towards women in some societies, let us not forget something. Women kept the home fires burning during the Second World War on both sides of the conflict. There were also many women in farming communities who kept the farms going while their husbands worked down in the mines or were away on droving expeditions to pay for the farms and they did a damn good job of it. And there are women who work as doctors, who have been sexually abused by other male doctors, who have become far better doctors than those males.