There is a ridiculous doctor who contradicts himself with virtually every statement he makes. On the one hand, he says that women shouldn't have to act or behave like men in order to be heard, but then he says that women are entitled to respect. Women are entitled to respect and that shouldn't come from being demure wallflowers.
His "relationship advice" is nonsense if I'm being kind, and off the wall crazy if I'm being ruthless. He talks about being a best friend to your partner and then says that women and men cannot be platonic friends. You don't need a PhD in psychology to know that if you marry your best friend, yes, you CAN have platonic friendships with the opposite sex, but your best friend is your spouse and boundaries apply. Also, it is extremely selfish of somebody to expect one person to be everything to another.
And let's consider this, it's not uncommon for teachers to marry other teachers, in fact, when I was in high school, the Geography Head of Department had a relationship that led to a marriage with another teacher at the same school. But let's take another example, my favourite teacher was my Japanese teacher. She married an engineer, and he wasn't interested in Japan or Japanese. Yes, he went to Japan, but that was on a holiday with her. So, let's say a Japanese and History Teacher marries a nurse, and the nurse isn't interested in Japan, but the Japanese teacher has another teacher of the opposite sex, and they decide to go to the Japanese Film Festival together, it might start student tongues wagging, but it's not cheating, especially if they arrive in separate cars and just see a film together. They might enjoy long talks in the staff room at lunchtime, and that's not cheating either.
A woman, if she gets married, should not sacrifice herself, her career or whatever else. I also say that a woman shouldn't, once she gets married, stay home and look after the kids because she HAS to, she should stay home and look after the kids because she WANTS to. And in a modern marriage, I say, there's no reason why if a couple have kids, they can't have it that the woman returns to work a few days a week, and the man either works from home or stays home a few days a week with the kids, or if he can't, if the couple have two sets of parents, one or both sets may say that they'd love to look after the kids one or two days a week.
A marriage should be a union of two people with no dominance and to heck with the gender roles.