The woman three doors down from me is a right-wing, racist trumpist. My parents are nice to her because she's a widow and her husband asked my father to look out for her. (He had a kidney condition and he was ineligible for a transplant and he refused to have dialysis, and was told he'd last about two years, but he lasted a few months and had a heart attack brought on by potassium overload). I remember, one time, she rang up and asked if we could get her a cooked chicken because she had vertigo.
I say, yes, buying her the cooked chicken she asked for was being kind, but if it was up to me, I wouldn't be nice to her, I would tell her that I think trump is a complete asshole and that hell will freeze over before he or any other right-wing demagogue gets my vote, and if she never spoke to me again, so be it.