The only times where I would have wavered in my opposition were the Nazi war criminals. Mind you, no matter how despicable they were, I think that Staff Sergeant John C. Woods had a lot to answer for, though. For example, he did a standard drop rather than a long drop, and some of the men, vile though they were, took up to 24 minutes to be pronounced dead. Okay, in Streicher's case, he went down kicking and dislodged the placement of the knot, which was why he could be heard groaning after the trap was sprung. Woods was photographed demonstrating it and his methods were strangulation hanging. Pierrepoint, on the other hand, was more humane and had he performed them, he'd have probably recorded, "Kaltenbrunner appeared tall and slim. Adjusted length." "Streicher short, adjusted length of rope." And it would have probably been, "Ribbentrop entered chamber at 1:11am. Climbed steps without hesitation. Almost shouted his name when asked. Bound hands with leather strap and ankles with similar leather strap. Following short statement, hood pulled over his head and noose tightened. Trap sprung at 1:17am. Cut down at 1:27am."