The man three doors down from me, now deceased, was a trump supporter. His early life story was that he was conceived as a result of a one-night stand between a Greek-American GI and an Australian woman, in Brisbane, Queensland, in 1944. He was adopted, as an infant, by a Swedish-Finnish father and an English mother. He purported to live as a Finn, even though he didn't think like one. He only made one trip to Finland and that was just before his adopted father died, he wanted to make a final trip to Finland to see his relatives and get them to meet his adopted son.
He was Australian, and a supporter of the idiotic Pauline Hanson, who was basically a female trump. He was a racist, but, he had a kidney condition and the kidney specialist he had to see was Chinese and he acknowledged that he was good at his job. For example, he saw a junior doctor who took his blood pressure while sitting down and then the Chinese doctor came and saw him and said, "No, that's not how you do it. You take his BP left arm, sitting down, left arm, standing up, right arm, standing up, right arm sitting down, add them all and divide by four and that is his blood pressure reading." His wife is worse.
I cannot have a friendship with someone who is right-wing as our political core values are not the same. I would rather not have a friend than have to not reveal my core values to someone just to keep them onside. If you can't be your true self, then nobody knows the real you.
I had someone criticise me for drawing comparisons with the Berlin Wall coming down and trump's Border Wall. What they ignored was, Germany was divided as a result of an aggressive war and the occupying powers, the USA, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union were determined to denazify Germany. While the USA, Britain and France restored sovereignty to the former West Germany, the Soviet Union was determined to keep the former East in its sphere of influence. The Mexican Wall was NOT about national sovereignty, it was about xenophobia and white supremacy.