The anti-transgender bills make me relieved that I live in Australia and not the USA. With all these states passing these laws, there are two paradoxes to emerge from my home state. One, a politician from a left-wing party refused to countenance an event with women because she said that the office of women's affairs was about all women, including transwomen, and for that I am grateful, and she wouldn't allow a trans-exclusionary event to occur. The other, from a despicable right-wing politician, by the name of Pauline Hanson, tried to move a motion in Federal parliament, to have parents who took their trans kids to gender clinics lose custody of their kids because they were being abused. Hanson follows the illogical and deceptive stance that trans kids are being taken to these clinics because their parents wanted children of the opposite sex and were forcing them to transition! Fortunately, the Australian Federal Senate, of which she is a member, voted against her and by high numbers.