Thank you. I suspect that, where possible, there would be fewer famines (the justice element says that there has to be enough for everybody, not a case where the middlemen take their cut and live in wealth and the poor have what's left), hopefully, fewer wars, as I don't believe that many autistics are naturally aggressive (we'll fight for fairness but not for greed). I believe that if autistics had been leaders in European countries between 1770 and 1914, African and Asian nations would not have been colonized (we may have wanted to trade with China and say, "Okay, we'd like to buy some of your silk, your paper, your spices, but we won't force you to trade with us." I believe that if the Austro-Hungarian Monarch had been autistic, Archduke Franz Ferdinand would not have been sent into Sarajevo, on June 28, 1914.
And, I believe that Quaker or not, if Captain Cook had have been autistic, along with Joseph Banks, they would have said, "Okay, we found interesting plants to study, but we also found people who were happy living as they were, even if their ways were different, and we shouldn't take possession of the country for England. We should leave well enough alone and try to improve living conditions here."