If you have taken your car to a mechanic, you have probably seen logos for Bendix brake pads. Had Vincent Bendix’s father not Anglicized his name, you would have seen Bengtsen brake pads, as he was a Swedish immigrant. Why have there been cases where Vincenzo becomes Vince, or Henri de Portal became Henry Portal, just to name a few? To become accepted by the Anglophone world.
So why do law-abiding transwomen want access to women’s spaces? For the same reason why Vincenzo becomes Vince, Dimitri becomes Jim and the like. To be accepted by and as women. I knew someone who said that they had nothing against transwomen, they just didn’t want them in women’s spaces, an argument, which to me, is akin to saying that you don’t have anything against people who own Toyotas, you just don’t want to have them parked in the same carparks as you. I knew a woman whose father was a Pacific Theatre of the Second World War veteran, who, right up until he died, in 1993, would not have anything Japanese. That even extended to if his son-in-law or, if the woman had a brother, daughter-in-law, bought a Japanese car, he wouldn’t ride in it. Okay, the woman’s father didn’t scratch his keys along the paintwork of Japanese vehicles in the carpark, and nor did he harangue and harass other people, and if a friend of his bought a Japanese car, he didn’t cut them off, but he wouldn’t ride in it.
Ciswomen only have a marginally higher chance of being attacked by a transwoman than they do of being struck by lightning, but that does not justify the extreme actions being taken in the USA and nor does it justify winding back protections. To give an equivalent example, I went to school with a First Nations kid and I didn’t like him. I didn’t dislike him because he was First Nations, I disliked him because he wasn’t a very nice kid. I disliked him as an individual.
A despicable Australian politician made the idiotic statement that if you lined ten Muslims up, how would you know who was a good one or a bad one. That argument is akin to a man I knew who did two things which reflect double standards. In 1966, he was working for a company that made parts for aircraft, and he had to drive from Richmond Airfield back to the factory where he was working, and the only way was in a company issued Ford Falcon. Every time he put his foot on the brake, the pedal went closer to the floor and he nearly crashed it through the wall of the factory where he was working. There was a screw missing from the master cylinder and he refused to drive another Ford. Yet, he had a Holden Camira that was renowned for a serious overheating problem due to a design fault, but he kept it for years and he bought a Holden Commodore after that! There’s nothing wrong with preferring Holden to Ford (I’m the opposite) but when there was something random as opposed to something serious, it was different. The problem with the Ford could have happened with a Holden, a Toyota, a Mercedes Benz, even. The same can be applied to transwomen. Say, the vast majority of transwomen, just like the vast majority of Muslims, are law-abiding citizens, so there is no justifiable reason to wind back protections on account of a few!
Most transwomen who have not had bottom surgery do not want to go on naked romps and show ciswomen their genitalia. Nor do they want to rape them. And not all transwomen can have bottom surgery. Most transwomen just want to be accepted as one thing — women.