Rubbish! People were NOT charged with treason for protesting, they were charged with treason for attempting to subvert US Democracy! I don't like Mike Pence, however, some rioters wanted to hang him for doing the only thing he could do, which was certify the election result. Trump claimed that the election was stolen and that there was widespread voter fraud, which judges, including some trump appointees, found to be baseless. When the legal means failed to turn up what he wanted, people rioted!
What is occurring with trump and the DOJ is NOT a witch-hunt, it is a case of a former White House breaking the law. It was uncharted territory and required an acute and incisive legal mind to go into it. Trump couldn't send someone to prison, either.
What you need to remember is, no fascist starts out by revolutionary means, they are like the frog in boiling water. So yes, trump had four years, but four years wasn't long enough.
Vengeance isn't justice.