Really? Okay, my ideal would be a cat AND a dog (together from when they were a kitten and a puppy, naturally) but cats are extremely loving. Two years ago, when my cat died, I was devastated. My cat had a rough start in life. He was born into a house occupied by drug addicts and small time dealers, and he faced being put into a calico bag and drowned in a bucket of water. Then, my ex-sister-in-law got him for my brother. She used to hit him over the head with her hand or throw him at waist height off benches and tables and other surfaces. She had two dogs, and they used to, when my cat was a kitten, if he went outside clinging to the screen door, lick him with their tongues.
My brother moved in with his new girlfriend, and the cat found that he loved me and he used to sleep on my bed and he knew who to see when he was hungry. He would jump up onto my computer and put his nose up against mine, he'd lie on my lap and purr, so if that is not immeasurable love for a human, I don't know what is.