One of the failures of the education system is where people listen to the tripe that was spat out by the horror who occupied the White House between 2017 and 2021 and cheer it on. People who oppose socialism do not understand what socialism is.
I had some right-winger say that he was tired of waiting for us socialists to grow up. Well, grow up we have, and we have a deeper appreciation of and understanding of things than he ever will.
Socialism is not total government control of society. That is totalitarianism.
One of the stupidest things I ever saw in Australian politics was the fool who embarrassed the country for 726 days attempting to empathize with Aung San Suu Kyi. The fool who embarrassed the country for 726 days was the leader of the opposition during a hung parliament who could not convince enough Independents and crossbenchers to support him to form government; Aung San Suu Kyi was a democratically elected Prime Minister held under house arrest by a military junta. A threat to US democracy was fortunately thwarted when Number 45 was old, "Look, you lost the election. The claims you made were false and proven incorrect. Now, hop it!"
Socialism is the roads that you drive on. Socialism is being able to turn up at a hospital that is owned by a government and being treated for free, rather than having you level of care determined by your level of insurance. Socialism is being able to go to the drug store and purchase medications with government subsidies and when you spend a certain amount of money, having the government pay for the rest for the calendar year. Socialism is a safety net for people who cannot work.
Do you not notice that most people who say that people should receive social security for six months and that's it are people who would never have to live on it?
Cities in the USA, such as Los Angeles and Hollywood have the dichotomy of millionaires who can say, "I'll buy a Cadillac, and even though it's a rival company, I'll buy a Mustang, as well, because I like it," and people who live in shanties who can afford to live on one meal a day.
People also confuse communism with a command economy. You cannot have someone who sits in an office and says, "We will make the greatest number of Size 6 shoes, and if most people want Size 10, they can wait until a pair become available." THAT is a dud of a theory. The socialist-market economy is a good theory.