Okay, if you meant "how dare gay men speak up about violence against woman, both as domestic violence (yes, I remember a story about a woman who had a male friend who was gay, and her jealous partner wouldn't let any other male near her) and children being abused," I would be in agreement with you. In this case, however, you have to ask a few questions. Firstly, just how is allowing transgender women into women's spaces a threat to women? There are two cases that I wish to mention here, the first being the 2012 rape and murder of Jill Meagher and the second the 2019 rape and murder of Eurydice Dixon. Both were raped and murdered not by transwomen but in the first case, by a man who was, simply, a violent rapist, who was on bail while facing other rape charges, and in the second case, your typical incel with a sexual sadism disorder.
There has been some suggestion that gay men are turning on transgender people because they are losing partners, but that myth can be classified as just that for several reasons. Sexual orientation and gender identity are as different as being a mechanic and an auto electrician. Men who were attracted to men but who were transitioned are not the same as cisgender gay men. And some transwomen presented as cisgender men and some even married and fathered children, especially those who transitioned later in life, and some were asexual prior to transition and remained that way.