Okay, if you mean that a transwoman will never know what it's like to menstruate, I will concede a point, but if you mean that a transwoman should be content to live as a man, I'm sorry, but the fact that we don't feel like men is what prompts us to transition.
I want you to try this as an alternative perspective. You grew up in a relatively conservative family. You had a mother who sent you off to do things with your cisgender brother that you hated because of your genitalia. You, yourself did not consider gender roles, but you had a mother who told you that you could only do Home Economics if you wanted to transition to be a woman. Some of it may have been projection, because I remember my mother saying that she wanted to learn to do woodwork! Now, consider you're an adult, and you go to a gathering with mixed company, and the men go to one end and the women go to the other. You don't relate to the other men, you can better relate to the women, but you aren't as readily accepted as you want to be.
There is a ridiculous doctor who claims that men and women cannot be platonic friends, because they take on the characteristics of the opposite sex and become less attractive (it's bullshit) to them. This ridiculous doctor also said that men wanted women to be a bit more feminine. Well, if that's not misogyny, I don't know what else it is!