Okay, firstly, you mention Saudi Arabia in the first case and you mention Sharia Law in the second. Saudi Arabia has an EXTREME type of Sharia Law. What many people don't know, or can't be bothered learning, is that under the original Sharia Law, violence against women is NOT accepted, and claims of adultery require at least 4 independent witnesses in order to proceed.
You quote Rodney King as asking, "Can't we all just get along?" but what some White Christian Males need to ask themselves is, "Will legalizing same-sex marriage impact upon my right to go to church or my right to live my daily life?" If the answer is No, and most likely it is No, then why make a big song and dance about it?
Then, we have Robertson, who claims that a woman who falls pregnant due to a rape shouldn't be allowed an abortion because she's carrying "a gift from God," or Rick Perry's nonsense, and it is nonsense, that pregnancy from rape is, "God's way of comforting victims." Okay, Tyla Hulbrecht is just as bad. Women's reproductive rights are none of men's business. Period! A woman who yearns for a child, and who falls pregnant, is carrying a gift from God, a woman who was sexually violated is the victim of a crime. And it's all very well to carry on, "Oh, it's not the child's fault," and all that nonsense, but, let's face it, neither you nor I asked to be born and neither you nor I had any say in it. And how the hell can seeing a semblance of a rapist in your child be a source of comfort?
And it's all very well to say that women in the US can drive cars, women in Saudi Arabia couldn't, but what people need to remember, and this can be seen with South Africa, apartheid didn't end because of sporting sanctions, or boycotts, apartheid ended because people in South Africa said, "Enough!"
We only have to look at the Weimar Republic to see that, yes, German people are well-educated, but they were used to having charismatic leaders like Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm the Second.
If we examine Japan, after World War Two, yes, the right of women to vote was given by a White Man, General Douglas MacArthur, no less, and that's something that White Christian Males NEED to remember, and maybe say, "If MacArthur could give Japanese women the right to vote, we can give American women control of their reproductive rights, too. And we can allow same-sex couples to marry."
As for Fox News, I say, just because something's popular, doesn't mean to say it's right.
What people are angry about with corporate tax cuts is this. In the 1960s and 70s, when production was more labor intensive, major companies could hire more staff. But, supposing you worked as a spray painter at car factory, and you were called in for what you assumed to be a routine meeting, only to have your boss say, "I'm sorry, but you are no longer needed. We have a robot to do your job, instead." Technology saves money on wages which in turn increases company profits! And tax cuts mean even greater company profits that benefit CEOs. Now, NOBODY is saying that a CEO of Chrysler should earn as little as an apprentice fitter and turner!