Okay, firstly, I am very early on the journey of transitioning to a transwoman. I am also 100% against the gender roles.
My point about there being more to being a woman than her biology is more to do with gender roles than anything else, in that I believe that a woman shouldn't stay home and look after children because she is expected to by society; she should stay at home and look after children because she wants to. I have a woman around me, in a professional context, who is a bit younger than me, and is child-free by choice. Her husband understands. Her biological clock may be ticking, but she has no regrets. I have seen people say to women "enjoy your cats", but what they ignore is, a 75-year-old woman who has never married or had kids might be the happiest woman around. That should be respected. The IDIOT who embarrassed my native Australia for 726 days, abbott, had said to Australia's first female Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, that she should "make an honest woman of herself," (i.e. get married). Never mind the fact that abbott is a misogynist, an inappropriate choice for minister for women, a role he also held, that is filthy sexism.
I will say that as an early-stage transwoman, I have no interest in playing sport, competitive or otherwise. I used to HATE being forced to play touch football at school and being forced to play cricket and football in the backyard with my brother, who played rugby league for his school and is a dedicated sportsperson. I do, however, believe one thing when it comes to transwomen in women's sports, and that is, sometimes, particularly with older ones, parents try to force their children into sports, and say a teenage transwoman was forced to play football by their parents and surprisingly, they found that they liked football, but it didn't change how they felt about their gender, should they have to make a binary choice of "stop playing football or live as their assigned sex?" I don't believe so. But here's something else that people need to remember, YES people who take performance enhancing drugs are cheats, but if someone sacrifices a lot to be an athlete but let's consider Michael Phelps and Ian Thorpe. Ian Thorpe and Grant Hackett were teammates and rivals, and Ian Thorpe was renowned for a strong finish, and there were plenty of times where Hackett would be in the lead and in the final lap, Thorpe would beat him. Michael Phelps had the advantage of big feet. Do you deduct time from them because of the size of their feet? You can't. And okay, you're 5'3", I'm 6'2" and my sister-in-law is around the same height as me.
I fully support women's rights to be safe in bathrooms, and for this reason especially. I could not go to the bathroom at school without being assaulted by other boys!