No, I think the points made here are legitimate. One thing that NEEDS to be understood is, for learning to occur, the student has to be willing to make it happen, but the teacher's teaching style and the student's learning profile have to be compatible. Another thing that needs to be remembered is, in the West, it is generally said that those who can do but can't make a success of it, teach, whereas in Eastern cultures, teachers are treated with more respect. Education is about teaching people how to think, indoctrination is about having people accept things without question.
If children are not taught to question things, they are vulnerable to abuse.
If a convicted sex offender is working with kids, that is a failure of the judicial system and the education system, HOWEVER what needs to be remembered is, SOMETIMES if allegations of abuse are made, the response is to move the offender. So, let's say an ABA therapist is abusing a child and a complaint is made to their employer, and their employer responds by moving them to another practice, that is a failure!