My response to people who say, "People who don't want kids are selfish," is, "Give me a reason to have kids that is not selfish." There aren't any. I was watching a program where an AMAB was raised in a Catholic family, and they said that there was an expectation that they would give one to the church. Right-wingers get up in arms about supposed polygamy by Muslims (what they ignore is, even a man in Saudi Arabia cannot take a second wife unless he has his first wife's approval) but the Catholic Church used to urge couples to have four kids and there was an expectation to give one child to the church as a priest, monk or nun, but nobody said anything!
I remember, of all people, a Liberal Party Treasurer (in Government, not in the party executive) urging people, prior to the legalization of same-sex marriage, to have three kids, one for Mum, one for Dad and one for the economy. People DON'T sit down and say, "Now, let's have a kid for the economy," and no, observant Catholics, today, don't have children for the church, but after a child is born, the church looks at the child and hopes that one will be inspired to join the priesthood. The irony, though, is a man who is married with or without children, who is say working as an accountant, who decides he wants to change vocation and become a priest does not have to divorce, a single man who wants to become a priest is not permitted to marry.
There is a ridiculous doctor who claims that women want to be respected as wives and mothers, and yes, they do, but what he forgets is, some women do NOT want to be wives and mothers and that's fine, too.
Whether or not you wish to become a parent is your choice.