My deceased down the street neighbor was a classic case of the RWAs you've described. He was born in Brisbane, Australia, to an Australian woman who had a liaison of sorts with a Greek-American GI, stationed in Brisbane. When the war ended, his father returned to the USA, perhaps unaware that he had a son, and my neighbor was adopted by an Englishwoman married to a Swedish-Finn. The RWA adopted the Finnish ways (he grew a beard like a Viking, he put Finnish flag stickers on his cars and the like) but he also uncritically adopted right-wing politics. For example, he told my father that he hated the color red, because of what the Soviet flag meant to his father, but ignored the fact that Finland was on the side of the Nazis early in the war. If he had been adopted by a couple of a different nationality, he would have done the same thing. He showed no interest in his Greek heritage, however, and became an uncritical admirer of trump.
I remember asking my father what that man's life would have been like had his biological father married his mother and had taken them to live in the USA. I guess that would have depended upon many factors.
For context, though, he wasn't left at an orphanage with a note on his basket, his biological mother had worked as a maid for his adopted parents and she said, "Look, I can't provide for this little baby, but you can."
I remember debating the point, "An Ignorant Population Is A Dictator's Greatest Support," and I thought what my grandfather used to say was so true, "It's not how well-educated you are, but how well you use your education." I mean, Goebbels had a PhD, and he was dangerous, but he uncritically accepted Adolf Hitler's teachings.
You only have to look around the world, today, to see that such people still exist and have not learnt from history.