Many of us have heard the song, "Hitler, has only got one ball...." Hitler lost his left testicle when he urinated down the throat of a Billy Goat when he was a child, and the goat bit the testicle off. You wonder why dysphoria over physiologically accurate parts exists, but let's consider this. Okay, if you've got brown eyes and you wish you had blue eyes, or vice versa, you have to live with that, or you can get contact lenses that have a blue tinge. But if you have a penis and you consider yourself a woman, of course you would be unhappy, and if you can have surgery, and you can afford it, why not?
I consider transgenderism, and I am on a journey myself, as being like the year is 1988, and 19-year-old Fred has bought a 1978 Ford Falcon. He wants to listen to cassettes, and the Falcon only has an AM Radio with 5-watt speakers. Fred buys an AM/FM radio cassette with 35-watt output and when he plugs the radio into the speakers, the speakers go, "No way!". So, he goes back to the shop and buys a pair of 60-watt speakers for the doors, and 90-watt speakers for the rear parcel shelf and plugs them in and they work. It is better to align the body to the brain than to force the brain to conform to the body. Conversion therapy MUST be outlawed!