It would be nice if someone could wave a magic wand and say, "Okay, society will accept people as non-binary, if that's what they want," and society said, "Okay." But while we have a-holes like the one who is facing a civil trial, that won't happen. The same as while we have a-holes like Orban.
I have a memory of when I was seven, sitting on the floor in a bedroom of my paternal grandparents' house, playing with dolls. If my mother had seen, she would have been furious! My paternal grandmother was more understanding of this than my mother was. I didn't learn until I was 29 that my mother used to say that she wanted to have six boys. Statistically, however, there would have been a likelihood that if I'd had five brothers, one might have been gay. I'm the eldest by default. My brother was a boys own boy, I wasn't.