In the USA, it may be different, but in Australia, if a developer is interested in your land, say to build a shopping centre, and you refuse to sell, but your neighbours do, the developer can, if they have approval, build around you. I used to live in a small seaside town, and a developer wanted to build a new cluster of shops and a lady who owned a beach shack refused to sell, so the developer built around her. Some years later, the shack was sold. If, however, the government needs to acquire your land to build a new highway, for example, they will pay you more than it is worth as a sweetener. I knew a man who had a small rose farm and the government wanted it for this reason and he was paid enough to buy a mini-mansion near the Bay.
I remember reading a line by this ridiculous doctor who said, "Prior to the arrival of Europeans...." (No, Doc, prior to the colonization of the USA by the Europeans and the Native Americans were forced off their land). And let's not ignore the fact that cowboys and Indians is glorification of genocide.
Societal norms tend to dictate that you will graduate from school, then college, then find work, get married, by a house, have kids. I remember, 40 years ago, my Year Two teacher said, "One day, you girls will be brides and one day you boys will be grooms." I'm 46 and I've never been married and don't have any kids.
Stalkers can have multiple motivations. On a different level, I remember a relationships coach being asked what to do if you're receiving unwanted attention, and he said to focus on time. I thought, "No, that's ambiguous. To say, "I'd love to talk to you but I've got to keep going," can mean, "I would genuinely love to talk to you, but so much to do, so little time," or, it could mean, "I don't want to talk.""
You can't go on the "It's not fair, I want to get married and have a family of my own but I can't," mentality. Sometimes you have to put things into perspective and say, "I'd really like a new car. A new Lexus 4WD would be lovely,. But I can't afford one. But I can go to the shops and buy a six pack of Victoria Bitter Beer, but I don't want it."
Some people, if they get into a relationship with a person, think that they can control that person, and who they talk to. I had a woman who wanted to be my girlfriend, and a friend of hers gave me an innocent social kiss on the cheek, and she accused me of cheating. That's not cheating.
The culture of entitlement is dangerous and wrong and comes from a belief that something is yours and nobody else's.