In my native Australia, there was a complete idiot of a right-wing politician, who made the preposterous statement that marriage equality for same-sex couples would lead to bestiality! Anybody with a modicum of intelligence would have been able to laugh that off and put it out of their head. The easiest way to dismiss it, though, is this, up until about the second decade of the twentieth century, if you could not read or write, a cross would suffice for a signature, so say an Irishwoman who couldn't read or write married a Chinese man, it could have appeared on the marriage certificate as the groom signing his name in Chinese characters and the bride making a cross. It would NEVER be acceptable for a person to walk into a marriage registry office with a cat in a cage and sign their name and have a pawprint for a signature from a cat!
In my native Australia, also, it has always been perfectly legal, even if socially frowned upon, for a man and a woman to live as though they were married, despite not being married. It is termed de facto. So just what term should a same-sex couple have, if not marriage? A same-sex couple who live as though they were married were referred to as de facto, as well.
Sometimes, saying your stance is neither pro nor anti gay is a thin attempt at hiding your true bias.