I'm not having a go at Poland, but I remember Niklas Frank, the youngest son of the Gauleiter of Nazi-Occupied Poland, Hans Frank, travelling around, and going into Poland to warn of the dangers of far-right extremist politics, saying that the government of Poland largely ignored him or told him to mind his own business. When one considers that in stark contrast to his eldest sister, who died by her own hand at the age 46, the same age as Hans Frank was when he was hanged, Niklas Frank had a troubled relationship with his father, who actually did not believe he was his son, and Niklas came to know his father through accounts written of him after his execution, Niklas Frank despises his father and has good reason to want to warn the world of the dangers of the far-right. Under the Nazi regime, homosexuals were required to wear a pink triangle and Poland's current policy on LGBTIQA people is almost on par with that of Hungary.
Sometimes, however, even in a person who doesn't know you well, they can deny seeing any signs of you being transgender because they don't want to see them. I remember seeing a disgusting urologist, once, who, when I had a CT Scan showing a kidney stone, told me that he thought I'd had a urinary tract infection. He just didn't care.