If we look at American History, since 1932, there was the only President to serve more than two terms, who was lionized as a great man by many, but, and I'm NOT defending Hitler here, much has been made about Hitler not shaking hands with Jesse Owens, and yes, his achievements smashed Hitler's beliefs, but as Jesse Owens himself said, "Hitler had to be at the stadium at a certain time and leave at a certain time." Hitler admired Jesse Owens's achievements, while Roosevelt snubbed him at a parade on his return. When Roosevelt died, he was replaced by a rough speaking, aggressive man (I saw Harry Truman's grandson on TV and he talked about meeting people affected by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and his feelings were mixed, who, while Stalin was no angel, Truman wasn't an intelligent president. Okay, he didn't know that Stalin already knew about the atomic bomb, through spies, AND, if Truman had studied history more carefully, he would have known that Russia was determined to enter the Pacific War not to stop the use of the atomic bombs, but to avenge the humiliating loss in the Russo-Japanese War. Eisenhower had some good points, but he was an old general affected by Crohn's Disease.
Kennedy was another who was lionized, but he was a womanizer (he was actually with another woman on his wedding night!). Jimmy Carter was a good president, but was underrated by the public. Reagan was what he was, an actor albeit with an Economics Degree.
Carter and Obama were the best presidents in modern times.