If either my niece or my nephew were autistic and my brother and sister-in-law were told to send them to ABA, I would say that they do so over my dead body.
The reward and punishment system is like training animals. I say, there is a world of difference between, say a carpenter or cabinet maker needs open heart surgery (for argument's sake, a male) and there's a boy in the street who is being raised by a single mother and he wants to ride a skateboard, but his mother won't let him ride it on the road, and he says, "Okay, you come and mow my lawn every weekend while I'm recovering and I'll build you a skateboard ramp," and, "You do this and you can have a candy," and give the kid candies, or, "If you don't do this, you can't have any screen time."
I remember, I used to get furious with my mother when I had a brother who always wanted to play cricket and it would be boiling hot and I'd say, "Look, later, when it's cooler," but my mother would say, "Go out now, and then you can have a swim." And, yes, I would get sunburnt. That was a kind of ABA.