I'd like to say something about you using physical violence to stop a rapist. My father worked with a Dutchman who, when he was 19, was the guard for Adolf Eichmann, and his one bitter regret was that he didn't shoot him when he had the chance. My father told him that, a) he was the bigger person, and b) had he shot him, only he would have known how evil he was, whereas after he was arrested in South America and placed on trial, the whole world saw how evil he was and he had nowhere to hide. In the context of the rapist, had she pressed charges and had he gone to court, twelve people in the jury , the press and anyone in the public gallery would have seen how horrific the crime was, and, if he'd been convicted, footage of him being led in handcuffs and into a prison van would have been beamed into lounge rooms, onto computers and mobile phones anywhere and everywhere and he'd have had nowhere to hide.
I do not believe that Will Smith's violence was justified.
And here's something else we need to remember, not every man who appears to defend his partner in public is a loving husband. I'm not saying Will Smith is in this category, but a woman without whom I would not be here typing this response, had a husband who, when people were critical of her, would defend her, but behind closed doors, he was an abuser.