I vehemently disagree with your first sentence. To take an Australian example, though, in 1916, the Catholic Church in Australia opposed conscription for military service because of the brutal suppression of the Irish Rebellion, yet, in 1966, it supported it, as the Vietnam War was opposition to godless communism. Marx's theory about no religion is that there would be nothing to fight over. If we look through history, there have been many wars over religion.
True Christians have more in common with Marxists than conservatives, think, "Feed the poor." Just think about Good King Wenceslas, a man born into wealth, who saw a man who had little and asked his servants to bring him food and wine and some pine logs and took some of what he had and shared it with a man less fortunate.
You talk about forgiveness, but there are two sides to forgiveness. And two aspects. Some wrongdoers think they can get away with it.