I vehemently disagree with privatising the ABC and for several reasons. One, I remember Burston, the senator elected under Hanson's party who left to sit as an Independent for two days before being snapped up by Clive Palmer, in his maiden speech calling for the defunding of the ABC and funding of a Patriotic Broadcasting Corporation (a name that sounds more akin to a totalitarian national regime) with programmes of interest to Australians. I don't think he meant documentaries, like Australian Story, Four Corners, Catalyst, Reality Bites and shows like that, or even Neighbours or A Country Practice commercial free, he meant rot like Paul Murray Live. Bearing in mind that Bolt and Murray attract fewer the half the numbers that Four Corners, Media Watch and shows like that do, it would be a waste of money.
Secondly, if we wish to live in a democratic society, we need to ensure that all voices are heard. I've heard the arguments, "Bolt is one-eyed," and the converse that, "He can be right-wing, but the ABC's Constitution requires it to be balanced." And, to that I say, there have been some well-founded fears that the ABC may be sold off to Rupert Murdoch, a man who already controls 70% of the media in this country and, on the other side, Fairfax news is now owned by Channel 9, and the independence that once was there is now lacking, with a distinct right-wing bias.
Thirdly, many right-wing politicians claim that they are being subjected to bias on the ABC, and use this as an excuse to either not appear on the network, or, claim that incisive questions that people want answered are an attack on their beliefs. What could be further from the truth? Asking the hard questions is not an attack. Abbott only went on Q&A once, and was unable to appear on 7:30 at various times.
I do agree that you could not call Malcolm Turnbull a conservative, he is a social and economic small l liberal. The Liberal Party has prided itself on being a broad church, yet Turnbull has been the only real progressive the party has had!
The term "elite" is becoming overused and losing context. An elite athlete, for example, is one who has achieved feats that very few have. Of late, right-wing politicians, who try to present themselves as being against the elite, could not be more elite if they tried. Okay, Trump is not a well-educated man. Abbott attended Oxford, but presents himself as ocker, but he is not from humble beginnings. His father was a dentist and he attended a private school in Sydney. The elite, as referred to by right-wingers, should be permitted to have their areas where their knowledge can be stimulated, even if it does not interest the general public.
I, myself, grew up with the ABC, from Sesame Street and Play School when an infant, to Behind The News at school, and later, shows such as 7:30, Reality Bites, Hypothetical, Australian Story, the list goes on. Commercial television does not whet my appetite.