I think it's important for heterosexual people to understand, also, that polyamory is not the same as swingers. Polyamorous people (there are exceptions) tend to be more, "I love so Person A, Person B and Person C, as individuals," and may establish long-term relationships, whereas swingers typically tend to be couples who'll do it more for a lark and be, "Okay, I'll sleep with your partner, and you sleep with mine."
And yes, in some cases, if one partner is an extrovert and one an introvert, and the introvert says, "Okay, I'm glad to have a couple of nights a week to myself."
And yes, when it comes to children, whatever works for them. I mean, I've known some who say, "Okay, Sunday is the day that we spend with the kids, as a family," Monday, they go back to school, Tuesday, I go and see my secondary partner, and stay with them, that night, and so on. I would rather people were openly polyamorous than having it that Fred the State Manager goes home late to his wife and kids and every three months, Fred goes to another city and sees his girlfriend that his wife knows nothing about.
One reason why I think that it can work for bisexual people is this. I have used the analogy of a company where a people have a choice of a Commodore or a Falcon as a company car. Some people will always choose a Commodore, some will always choose a Falcon and some will choose one or the other depending upon which they like better at the time. Pansexuality, to me, is like the example of the person who alternates between the Commodore and the Falcon, as in, the director says, "Okay, it's time to order your new car for another three year lease. Which would you like?" and the person says, "Okay, I'll go and take a Commodore for a test drive," and then takes a Falcon for a test drive and says, "Okay, I like Commodore more," and then, six years later, might say, "I like the Falcon better, this time." Bisexuality can be like a person who has, say, a Commodore utility and a Falcon wagon.
Trans people need to be accepted for who they are. How I think of it is, for some Commodores and Falcons, the wheels are the same diameter, so you can put Commodore wheels on a Falcon, but if you try to put Commodore spark plugs into a Falcon, it'll run like a hairy goat, and you can say, "Oh, but they're both six-cylinder engines." "Yes, but the heat ratings are different."