I said to my father, last year, "Gay men my age," and my mother asked, "Are you gay?" And I said, "No, but would it matter if I was?". My father said no, but I fear coming out as trans to my mother as I knew a gay man once (I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis at 23, and there was a gay man who was president of the support group and another gay man joined. My mother, one day, when I was driving her somewhere, asked me if it worried me that so many men who have the condition seem to be gay. And I said, "No, why should it?") whose partner's father, after his partner's mother's funeral, came up to him and said, "I was only pretending for your mother. I don't want to see you again." He'd cut off his other children as well, and returned to England and reconnected and took up with his girlfriend from his teenage years.
My father said, "But wouldn't it just be easier to be a gay man than a transwoman?" Gender orientation and sexual orientation are NOT the same thing. So, a transwoman who was attracted to women becomes a transgender lesbian.
Right-wing exclusionary "feminists" are akin to a quote from The Bulletin, in 1887, that said that, "No n-word for black person, no c-word for a Chinese man," could ever be an Australian. It took an exclusionary view that an Australian was a white person. The only person who could receive some inclusion was the "White Chinese person," who was someone with Chinese and European ancestry, who basically looked like a man or woman with black hair or dark brown hair, and had fair European skin.