I remember when I was just about to turn 15, my brother saw a person from behind and said, "There's a lady with hairy legs," and as we drove past them, he said, "Oh, no, it's a man with long hair." I'm not just being nice when I say this, but if I was to take this example, "Fred was placing his bag in the locker at the gym when he first noticed Barry combing his hair whilst looking in the mirror. Barry was tall with medium brown hair that could have been dyed that color, a complexion suggestive of somebody who'd been holidaying at the beach, and a muscular physique covered by a powder blue shirt and a navy-blue suit. It was only his silver moustache that gave away his true age." I'm not just being nice when I say this, but it's only the darkness from your whiskers above your top lip and a bit on your chin that suggests that you haven't started to medically transition. Otherwise, you look like a woman with short hair.
There's an old cliché that you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your biological family, but you can find a community that accepts you for you. I am on my own journey, and fortunately for me, I have some supportive friends, and only one of my female friends has been surprised when I told them. One even said, "Well, with your gentle nature, I'm not surprised."
I'm proud of you for getting to be where you are on your journey.