I remember reading the ramblings of a ridiculous doctor who claimed that women wanted respect, only to focus on child rearing and made no mention of women wanting to achieve things career wise. This ridiculous doctor also claimed that women were becoming too corporatized and hence were less attractive to men (how misogynistic).
The reality is, most women are expected to do the lion's share of child rearing. This doctor waffled on in another article that women were tired and that their husbands were working long hours, to which I say, the change that is needed in the world is not a reversion to the days where a family had three kids and the father went out to work while the mother had years of domestic drudgery that included making clothes for her husband and children, and herself, of course, cooking meals, tending to sick kids and whatever else. What is needed is a seismic shift that says that men need to do MORE around the house, not less. And need a greater role in child rearing. There was a role that men had in child rearing that demonstrated the weakness of the mother and bred fear of the father, namely, the disciplinarian. I say, if kids need discipline, if it's when the mother's around, she should handle it, and if it's when the father's around, he should. I believe that if the kids misbehave and the mother says, at 4pm, "Go to your room and wait until your father gets home." And they have to wait until 6pm and he arrives home and the mother complains about the kids and he then hands out a belting, it breeds an unhealthy fear of the father and the waiting for the punishment is punishment within itself.
If one member of a couple wants children and the other does not, well, they have to acknowledge their incompatibility and move on. It is selfish of a partner who wants children to push a reluctant partner to do so, and staying in the relationship makes them resentful.
Society needs to understand that just like somebody who has the brains to be a lawyer may want to be a fitter and turner, just because a woman has a womb and ovaries doesn't mean to say that she wants children.
Strength to you for acknowledging your incompatibility with your partner.