I remember reading a load of mansplaining crap from a ridiculous doctor who talks about the desires that people have, and talks about some of the desires that women have, and one thing I noted was that he talked about how women could be a better friend to their partners, but not once did he mention how men could be better friends to theirs! I would refute this ridiculous and patriarchal doctor and say that one thing men have to do (and the "working long hours" is NO EXCUSE if their wife is working, too) is help around the house. If the woman is home with kids in the evening, with the shops in my state being open until 9pm, six nights a week, and with people having mobile phones glued to their ears, he could text her and ask if she wants anything from the shop and stop in on the way home. If this ridiculous doctor is also working on the old paradigm of male doctor female nurse in marriage (I do know of one female doctor who is married to a male nurse) and the male doctor works Saturday until 2pm, and his wife is a nurse who is working until 7pm, what he really could do to show how he appreciates his wife is when he gets home, have a shower and change into some casual clothes, and have her walk in the door at say 8pm, to find the kids are bathed and fed, the washing has been brought in, sorted, folded and put away, and her dinner is in the fridge, not to her come home and have to do the housework on top of her paid work!
I also say that a woman shouldn't be condemned to a life of domestic drudgery because of patriarchal norms; a woman should stay home and look after kids because SHE WANTS TO. This ridiculous doctor also doesn't seem to understand a case that I can put to you. A classmate at school's parents had a hardware store, and they had a young man working for them who wanted to be a journalist or a teacher, but his teachers kept saying to him, "No, you've got the brains to be a doctor." He didn't want to be a doctor. He got into medical school, and he hated it. He left and swapped to journalism and was happy as a pig in mud. Someone can have the brains to be a doctor but not have the heart to be one. A woman can have two ovaries and a womb, but that doesn't mean to say that she wants to be a mother. And if a woman doesn't want to be a mother, that doesn't mean that she's less of a woman. I mean, by a simpler analogy, you can buy a car that has a towbar from the previous owner but that doesn't mean you want to buy a caravan!
You might think, from the gendered spelling of my name that I'm a man, but no, I'm on a journey. I can relate more to women than I can men.