I remember my 40th Birthday. My present for it was CIDP (no, I'm not bitter about it, I took it in my stride), and the day I received that diagnosis (the day before my birthday), I went and saw my neurologist, then went and had lunch with my parents and my brother. I didn't want a big party. This year is the 30th Anniversary of finishing school, and my main reason for wanting to attend the reunion is that I have become aware that three of my contemporaries have died since school. One in an accident (he'd been at a party and he was angry with the way people were being, but he'd had too much to drink. He was driving along and he rolled his old Land Cruiser and the windscreen popped out. He was still alive when the ambulance reached him, but was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital) and two by their own hands. I want to remind people how important it is to see how their contemporaries are going.