I remember a right-winger lamenting that Autism Speaks had finally had to get autistic people onto its board, which should have been a red flag for one vital reason. Autism Speaks is not about amplifying autistic voices, it's about speaking over autistic people. To draw a comparison, I remember, a despicable right-wing politician having a serial candidate who said that LGBTIQA people should be treated like patients. The only places where LGBTIQA people should be treated as patients is in doctors' surgeries and hospitals! A right-winger claimed that it was because an activist ruined a room where a conference would be held, that caused it to be removed from the DSM, to which I say, "Yes, the DSM was written by people who were not LGBTIQA or autistic and the people were abused in institutions!" Neurtypicals must not be speaking for or over autistic people!