I remember, 39 years ago, learning a song and the lyrics were, "It's checked and double-checked, A fact that can be backed, Because it is, Because it is a scientific fact." There is a difference between a scientific fact and an historical fact, for example.
What you say about sex and gender is flawed, as in a basic sense, XX chromosomes make you female and XY chromosomes make you male, but there is Kleinfelter's Syndrome, which gives a male XXY chromosomes. And there are other chromosomal anomalies such as XXXY chromosomes.
It is important, however, to differentiate between intersex and transgender, on an important ground. Some people, who are born intersex, have parents who were pressured to subject them to gender affirming surgery when the child is in infancy, and sometimes, the parental decision is the wrong one! The correct advice to the parents should be, unless there is a serious risk to the child by not having such surgery, wait until the child is old enough. Furthermore, there is a world of difference between an intersex person choosing gender affirming surgery and a transgender person having gender affirming surgery.
What is important to note is that a healthy human being has 46 chromosomes. A person with a penis and testicles, unless born intersex, and has XY chromosomes, is chromosomally a male. A person who is transgender who has a penis and testicles, is a pre-op transgender woman.
What people fail to understand here, and the bring in the example of animals such as cats and dogs, is that a male cat who is neutered is still a male, however, he has had his testicles removed so that he cannot reproduce. A male who transitions into a female, however, while he has hormone therapy and develops breasts and later has surgery that has his gonads removed and his penis and scrotum reshaped to form a vagina, the chromosomes are not altered. But that does not mean that she is not a woman.
Your statistics that the suicide rate is 20 times higher is also flawed as it fails to mention whether it is pre-transition or post-transition. Where does the statistic that 70-80% of adolescents lose their feelings emanate from? And the claim about opening women's bathrooms to any man who says he's a woman ignores something. A person has to be at a point in transition before they can use them. And yes, there are dangers, BUT, a cisgender woman is at far greater danger from a cisgender male rapist than from a transgender woman who wants to have a number one or number two! And most extremist anti-trans activists cherry pick extreme occurrences! Just like there is an idiotic Australian politician who made the idiotic call for discriminatory migration in the wake of the Lindt Cafe Siege!
There IS a need to accept non-binary and non-binary is NOT a made up word!
When it comes to sport, however, I believe it is a matter for sporting bodies to make rules regarding the rights of people to participate and in what category, not for anti-trans activists to argue against it! One common misconception, however, is that a man fails to be selected for a sports team, so he opts to transition and play for the women's team. That, I'm afraid, is nonsense. I remember, when I was in Year Six, and was on a school camp, some of us boys, on the morning run, were slower, and couldn't keep up with the others, so the teacher got us to go in with the girls for their aerobic exercises. That was different, though. And non-competitive.